Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Resident's Letter To City Council Re: Light Rail

June 9, 2008

RE: Light Rail Sound Wall – Stonebridge

Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor and Council Members:

My name is Gregory D. Underwood and my wife’s name is Gracie. We live at, and moved to, 3039 South Lakebridge Drive in Norfolk in 2002, and we both work for the city of Norfolk.

I write this letter as a concerned citizen, taxpayer and consumer of goods and services provided by the city of Norfolk.

As such, I would first like to congratulate Councilman Randy Wright and the entire council for your efforts in bringing light rail to Norfolk.

It was like scoring a touchdown for the city.

I write because my property is on the 10-yard line, if not closer to the proposed light rail tracks.

Recently, I was preparing for work one morning and as I was dressing and drinking coffee, I was standing a few feet away from my kitchen window. A construction worked passed by driving a truck where the old tracks used to be. To my surprise he waved at me, and of course, I waved back. It became abundantly clear to me that he could clearly see inside my house.

It is equally obvious that the interior of my home will be visible to anyone riding light rail.

When we moved here several years ago, the builder assured us that the city was going to install a sound barrier/wall to help reduce the noise coming from the highway.

I understood that money from the state was appropriated for such a project and was advised that all other communities that are adjacent to the highway have sound walls.

The sound wall issue has been the subject of much debate at our Stonebridge Civic League meetings.

With the highway at my backdoor and light rail at my doorstep, the city council has a unique opportunity to show its leadership and score another touchdown by addressing our concerns, building a sound barrier, and planting trees between the tracks and the properties of the many resident taxpayers who live along the light rail route.

I invite each of you to visit my home and neighborhood to get a first hand look at what my wife, I and many of my neighbors see in our backyards.

We can be reached at and by phone at (757) 627-1579.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all at the next city council meeting.

With warm regards I remain,


Gregory D. Underwood

cc: Richmond Baker, President, Stonebridge Civic League

Regina Williams, City Manager

Delegate Algie Howell

Senator Yvonne Miller

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