Thursday, May 22, 2008

Foot Extraction and Recap of May 19th Meeting

I will begin this post by trying to extract my foot from my mouth.

I made some erroneous comments in my post on May 10th regarding our
city council representatives. I stated Mr. Paul Riddick was not our
representative when, in fact, he is. He represents Ward 4 of which
our community is a part. Daun Hester represents Superward 7.
Ward 4, ours, is in Superward 7.

Ms. Hester informed me at the May 19th meeting that she did not attend
our April 21st meeting because she was not asked.

I sincerely apologize to Mr. Riddick, Ms Hester, and all residents for
the incorrect statements.

Our meeting on May 19th was well attended and very informative.

Norfolk Police Department Officers Lewis and Ball gave contact info and
patrol procedures for our neighborhood and provided tips on keeping our
homes and cars safe from break-ins.

Mr. Richmond Baker stated he wants us to start making our presence known
at city council meetings. More info on organizing this effort will be made
available soon. Please contact him via our email address to inform him of
your interest in participating.

It was pointed out that ours is the only neighborhood in Norfolk along
the interstate that does not have a sound wall. Money was appropriated
for one, but it is no longer there.

Ms. Hester said she will find out where the money went.

Fellow resident Mr. John James informed us that ours is not the only
neighborhood whose landscaping appears to be neglected by the city.
He personally visited other areas and observed that some of them are less
well maintained than ours.

Many residents asked questions and participated in a lively discussion
which helped to make for an interesting and successful meeting.

I have placed several new links in the links column. One each to the web
page of Paul Riddick, Daun Hester, The Alexander Community Center and one
to HRT construction info.

Our next civic league meeting will be held on June 23th. Please try to
attend and make your voices heard and offer new ideas and suggestions.

Edward L. West Sr.

1 comment:

  1. At the May 19th meeting we discussed starting a blog post to express concerns to be discussed at the June 24th meeting. These concerns would be compiled and taken to an upcoming City Council meeting.
