Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NSU Community Meeting,Free Trees, Solar Power, What Is The Public Option In Health Care,

Hello Stonebridge Crossing Residents,

I hope you are all doing well. Ballentine Blvd. is being repaved. I hope this
will eliminate the spot that causes the big trucks to go BOOM when they cross it.

Once again I am asking residents to send in any information relevant to our
community for placement on our blog.

Thanks to Alison Davis-Tariq for sending information regarding NSU Community Meeting to be held on 9/24 at 6:oo p.m. Check your inbox for forwarded email for more info.

The City of Norfolk celebrates Arbor Day with Free Trees! Click the link for locations.

Want to learn about solar power? Join the Hampton Roads Solar Home Tour on October 3

I posted a blog back in August titled Green Jobs in Renewable Energy addressing The American Clean Energy and Security Act, solar and wind power, and resources for building your own solar panels and wind turbines.

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich explains what a public option
for healthcare coverage really means for working people.

Thanks to SBC resident Paulette Jones for passing on this video.

Peace and good health to you all.

Edward L West Sr.

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