Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Facebook, free software, our social media

Greetings Everyone,

I hope you are all well. I was surprised to see our streets get
repaved. I am guessing that was a benefit of the Stimulus Package.

I have created a Facebook page for the Civic League. You can find it
here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php? . You will have to create your
own page to view other pages. You can also post news about our community.
This may be more convienient than making a comment on the blog.

You can still email the blog with news, or post comments on the blog.
Also,please tell your neighbors, new and old, that we do have a blog,
and other social media.

Stonebridge Crossing is on:

Blogspot: www.stonebridgecrossing.blogspot.com

YouTube: www.youtube.com/sbccl042308

Twitter: www.twitter.com/stonebridgecros

Facebook: www.facebook.com/home.php? (sign in to YOUR account first)

If you like downloadable software for your computer, check out
Giveaway of the Day [giveaway@giveawayoftheday.com]. Everyday they
make available one free software program. You have to download and
install it that day. Then it becomes a pay for program.
Today (07/28/09) they have Personal Finances: Track family budget with fantastic ease!. You do not have to sign up,give your email,or join anything.

That's it for now.

Have a great day
Edward L. West Sr.

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