Monday, September 29, 2008

HRT hasn’t addressed concerns about light-rail project, Norfolk officials say

Thanks to Mr. Gregory Underwood for providing this article from the Sunday Sept. 28 Virginian Pilot.
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HRT hasn’t addressed concerns about light-rail project, Norfolk officials say


City leaders say that Hampton Roads Transit has failed to inform them about cost overruns for the $232.1 million light-rail system and has not properly explained the project to residents and business owners who will be affected by it.

During a City Council meeting last week in which half a dozen residents voiced frustrations about HRT, Mayor Paul Fraim termed responses to residents from HRT "unacceptable" and "symptomatic of ongoing problems with HRT."

"They just don't get it," he said.

He later tempered his remarks by saying he has since learned more about the issue and "was probably too tough on them."

Councilman Barclay C. Winn said he's been asking for figures on the city's share of the project for seven months. The numbers are scheduled to be presented to the council Monday at its retreat. But as of late Friday, Assistant City Manager Stanley A. Stein said he had not yet gotten updated numbers from HRT.

The city, federal and state governments are combining to pay for the light-rail system, which will extend 7.4 miles from Eastern Virginia Medical Center to the Virginia Beach border. It is scheduled to open in 2010. Norfolk is slated to pay for cost overruns and to subsidize the rail service.

HRT, a regional public body that provides mass transit, primarily bus service, throughout most of Hampton Roads, is overseeing construction of light rail and will operate it. The agency is funded primarily by federal, state and local governments.

City Manager Regina V.K. Williams said the city, not HRT, will be "held accountable by residents and businesses for how the project is managed.

"We're only going to do this once, and we need to get it right," she said.

Councilman W. Randy Wright, a member of the HRT board who led efforts to attract light rail, said he wants to review all future communication between the agency, residents and businesses.

"We can do a better job than we're doing, but I don't want to get into finger-pointing," Wright said. He said some of the angst can be traced to muddied lines between the city, the transit agency and its contractors.

Overall, Wright said, "I think HRT is doing a good job."

Michael Townes, HRT president, bristled at the criticisms. "We are doing this on behalf of the citizens, we're not doing something to them," he said. "I think our efforts have been substantial, yet I'm also one who knows things can improve."

City officials say they have had problems over other issues, too.

Light rail has generated far more scrutiny because it is the largest public infrastructure project in the city's history and will change the lives of residents who live near it.

Many Ingleside residents said they fear that light rail will bring crime, noise, congestion and commercial activity into their neighborhood. They've repeatedly expressed frustration over not getting answers.

Fraim said HRT does a good job running mass transit, and, he assumes, is doing well at managing the construction of light rail.

"Communicating with the public is something they just don't do very well," he said.

City officials said the agency sent a series of letters to Sture Sigfred Jr. and his wife, Barbara Zoby. The family owns and operates four downtown restaurants and owns two others.

HRT needed easements through some of their properties, including a 7-inch stretch along the property line of 456 Fish, an upscale Granby Street eatery.

City officials asked HRT officials to contact the family before writing so they could meet with him to explain what they needed.

HRT sent the letters before meeting with the family, however. As a result, the family thought the agency wanted to condemn one of the restaurants.

"It was a very bureaucratic letter," Williams said. "It was confusing."

Alarmed, Sigfred and Zoby asked for a meeting with Fraim.

"These are issues we shouldn't have to be dealing with," Fraim said.

Wright and Townes said they sent form letters, which are required by federal authorities for acquisition using federal money. After learning of the confusion, they said a cover letter explaining their intent will be sent in the future.

Greg Underwood, a resident of Stonebridge Crossing, an upscale community near Norfolk State University, complained about a response to his request for information on whether there will be a buffer between light rail and his neighborhood.

"We're going to do landscaping and hopefully more out there," Williams said.

"We are right up on people's property out there," she said. She said she's been asking HRT officials "to put yourselves in the shoes of the residents."

The council informally agreed last week to build a berm to shield the neighborhood from noise.

Business owner Howard Forbes was forced to move his ProTime Automotive repair shop from the space he was leasing on Newtown Road to make way for a train station. Delays in the acquisition resulted in Forbes operating two locations, including the new one in Virginia Beach, for several months in order to qualify for relocation assistance.

Although the Norfolk shop closed in July, Forbes has not received a relocation payment despite what he said have been weekly promises from HRT.

"The biggest problem with all this is I spent a ton of money moving this place... and I can't get anything back and I can't get an answer," he said. "It's not been good. I've had sleepless nights."

HRT admitted that getting Forbes his money is taking longer than expected. Tom Holden, HRT's public affairs manager, said Forbes is the first to claim relocation money and delays occurred while the agency set up the new process.

Harry Minium, (757) 446-2371,

Debbie Messina, (757) 446-2588,

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