Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mosquito Control in Stonebridge Crossing

Greetings Fellow Stone bridge Residents!

I am sure you have read about the deadly mosquito-borne West Nile Virus in Dallas,Texas, and the tragic effects on those who have been infected.

Stonebridge Crossing has a large storm water retention pond which is fed by a marshy stream which branches from the Elizabeth River. That, and standing water on our poperties contribute to the breeding of mosquitoes in our neighborhood.

On Granite Arch, which faces the pond, the mosquitoes are at swarm levels. We cannot sit on our porches without being attacked. Please make sure you and especially your little children use a repellent when outside.

Here is a very informative City of Norfolk video hosted by Terrance Afer-Anderson about mosquito control in Norfolk.

You may contact Norfolk's mosquito control office at:

757-683-2840 and 757-683-2914

Edward L. West Sr.