Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy Holidays For 2011

It's the holiday season once again. Also called "The Most Wonderful Time of The Year", it's also the time to make extra efforts to ensure the safety and security of ourselves and our homes.

Remember to be vigilant when shopping. Look for suspicious individuals when going to or from the stores. Put your purchases and other valuables
in the trunk of your car. Make sure your home is secure against break-ins or invasion.

This is also a wonderful time of year for scam artists of all types.
Beware of people who claim they are collecting for reputable charities.
Also, online scammers really ramp up their efforts during the holidays.
When ordering online check the URL in the address bar on the web page for https:// rather than just http://. The "s" means you are on a secure webpage.

Here are links to more info on holiday scams:

Holiday shopping online: How to avoid the '12 cyber scams of Christmas'

Avoid In-Store and Online Holiday Shopping Scams

Online Holiday Shopping Scams – FBI Warns of Online Holiday Scams

If you are looking for holiday entertainment for family or friends, the
City of Norfolk has many events scheduled from now thru January.

Here are just a few:

MACARTHUR ON ICE: Outdoor Ice Skating In Downtown Norfolk

PHOTOS WITH SANTA: The MacArthur Center

GARDEN OF LIGHTS: Norfolk Botanical Garden



KWANZAA CEREMONY: Suwabi African Ballet

and many more!

Go to (Norfolk's Holiday Events Page)for a listing of all Norfolk holiday festivities. You will also find links to the Ice Skating Rink Webcam, holiday safety tips for pets(very informative),tree recycling, sending a letter to Santa, Norfolk's Holiday Events Calendar, and more.

Also, let's not forget those who are less fortunate than we may be. You can help by donating cash, toys, and clothing to the appropriate agency. And don't forget our elderly citizens, visit them or invite them to dinner, or to attend one of the above events with you. They will appreciate getting out and about and doing something different.

Above all else, don't forget to give thanks for all you have been allowed
to have.

Happy Holidays To All,

Edward L. West Sr.