Sunday, April 24, 2011

Loose Dogs, Tornado Signs, New meeting Date

Hello Fellow Residents.

Spring is upon us once again and we will be planting flowers and sprucing
up our properties. Many residents, and non-residents as well, enjoy viewing
the fruits of our labors while taking a leisurely stroll, or a cardio-enhancing
jog through our neighborhood.

In order to prevent any unpleasant incidents to pedestrians, please abide by Norfolk's leash law and do not allow your dogs to roam free. They must be kept
in your home, or fenced area of your property, or held by a leash when you walk them. Remember, this is a city ordinance.

Spring and summer also spawn strong storms and tornadoes. Know the basic signs
a tornado is forming or approaching. These are:

1. Strong,persistent rotation in the base of a cloud.

2. Whirling dust or debris on the ground under a cloud base - tornadoes don't
always have a visible funnel.

3. Hail or heavy rain followed by a dead calm, or a fast, intense wind shift.
Many tornadoes, especially in Virginia, are wrapped in heavy precipitation
and can't be seen.

4. Loud, continuous roar or rumble, which doesn't fade in a few seconds like
thunder does.

5. At night, look for small, bright blue-green to white flashes at ground
level ( as opposed to silvery lightning up in the clouds ). These lights
are power lines being snapped by very strong wind, maybe a tornado.

6. Persistent lowering of the cloud base.

Being alert for these signs may give you a few extra seconds to seek shelter.

Lastly, our civic league meeting date has been changed from the third Monday
of the month TO THE SECOND MONDAY of the Month. Please note this on your calendar.
Nominations for civic league treasurer will be held in May.

Edward L. West Sr.