Sunday, December 19, 2010

Season's Greetings 2010!

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Another holiday season is upon us. Stop and reflect upon all
you have to be thankful for. Your health, and the love of family
and friends. Visit with the elderly and infirm and offer to take
them shopping,to a medical appointment, or have them over to your
home to share in the festivities. It would be greatly appreciated.

Here are a few tips to help keep you safe while out and about.


* Even though you are rushing and thinking about a thousand things,
stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you. Try to
shop with a companion. If possible,park your car in an area of high
pedestrian activity. Avoid remote areas.

* Lock your car and close the windows, even if you are only gone for
a few minutes.

* If waiting for a ride from a friend or public transportation, do so in
busy, well-lit places.

* Teach your children to go to the store clerk and ask for help if you
become separated while shopping. They should never go to the parking lot
or the car alone.

* Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Pay for purchases with a check or
credit card when possible; and if the credit card receipt has carbons,
ask for these too. Notify issuers immediately if your credit card is lost,
stolen, or misused.

* Be extra careful with purees and wallets. They may become targets for
crime in crowded shopping areas, at bus stops, and on public transportation.

* Avoid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear
visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.

* At home, be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave the house, even for a few minutes. Leave lights and a radio or television on so the house looks occupied. Do not put large displays of holiday gifts in view of your windows or doors.

* If you go away for the holidays, try to keep your home appearing "lived in":
Get an automatic timer for your lights. Have a neighbor watch your home and
pick-up your newspapers and mail.

* If you use electrical ornaments on your tree, make sure that they are in good working order.

These are just a few tips to help keep you safe. There are many other things you
can do to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

Happy Holidays

Edward L. West