Tuesday, June 29, 2010

HRT, Cooling Assistance, 4th of July, Coupons,Gov. Grants, Gulf disaster

Happy heatwave everyone. I hope you're all coping well.
I have a lot to share this time out. So here goes.

Congrats to Norfolk City Councilman Paul Riddick
on being selected as the new HRT chairman.
He will serve for one year.

HRT will begin test runs of the light rail trains soon.
The tests will run from Ballentine Blvd. to Newtown Rd.
Expect to see a train at any time on any track, and
traveling in any direction.

During the testing, each time a train approaches an
intersection, the train operator will sound a warning and
flaggers will direct trains through the intersection.

There have not been commuter trains on Norfolk streets
since the 1940's, so we must be very alert when the trains
start running. In the coming months HRT will be conducting
safety and security drills in conjunction with the fire, police,
and emergency responders.

Needless to say, it has been HOT HOT HOT!
Norfolk has a Cooling Assistance program available to
assist eligible households containing at least one person
age 60 or older, under age 6, or disabled with the costs of
cooling their homes.

Assistance can be in the form of purchase or replacement
and installation of air conditioners, the purchase of a fan,
the repair of central air units or heat pumps, payment of
electric utility security deposits, or payment of an electric bill
for operating cooling equipment.

If you, or someone you know can use this service,go here:
and take the short prescreening survey.

Here is the 4th of July info for the City of Norfolk:

Sunday, July 4th
5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Fireworks: 9:30 P.M.
Town Point Park
Leave the grilling to us and build your own picnic dinner with
family and friends from 5-10 pm in Town Point Park!

Dine on traditional hot dogs, hamburgers, barbecue, seafood,
buttered corn on the cob, juicy watermelon, lemonade...
with all the fixin's and much more!

While waiting for the fireworks show, relax on the lawn and
enjoy patriotic sounds by The Fleet Jazz Ensemble at 6 pm,
followed by a performance by The Fleet Forces Wind Ensemble
at 8 pm.

If you like free samples or coupons try these two websites:
www.freeflys.com has coupons and free samples of popular products.
www.coupons.com has coupons too but you have to download
their coupon printer. I print their coupons often, then forget
to take them with me when I go shopping. Go figure.

Want money to start a business or other venture? Here are
links to sites that offer info on available government grants
and low interest loans: www.govbenefits.gov
and www.grants.gov .
You don't have to register if you just want to browse what's available,
but if you want to apply, you do. It's all free.

Finally, I believe we should take the Gulf Oil Spill disaster very
seriously. Though we live over a thousand miles away, we
can be seriously affected in months to come as the oil makes
it's way toward the east coast via the Gulf Stream.

Click and read the article "A Nuclear Option in the Gulf Oil Leak?" .
It's a lengthy piece, but very informative with lots of photos
and videos. There is a lot the media hasn't focused on.
Buy your seafood in bulk now and freeze it.

Until next time, stay cool and take care.

Edward L. West