Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Local elections on May 4, New Va Speeding Fines, A Cure For Cancer?

Greetings fellow SBC residents,

This blog post has several articles that I believe
you will find very informative. FIRST and foremost:

Virginia local elections will be held on May 4, 2010.
On that day, voters will have a say in who becomes
the next city and town council members, school
board members or mayor where they live.

The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot by mail is April 27.
The in-person absentee ballot deadline is May 1.

The four candidates on the ballot for Mayor of Norfolk are:

Incumbent Mayor Paul Fraim who has been in city government for 24 years.
Councilwoman Daun Hester who has been on council for 14 years.
Retiree Dan Montague who has lived in Norfolk for 24 years.
Old Dominion University student Ryan Cooper .

Candidates for City Council Member, District : Ward 4 are:

Incumbent :
Paul R. Riddick
765 Washington Ave
Norfolk VA 235042442

G. W. ''Billy'' Cook, Jr.
2720 Marlboro Ave
Norfolk VA 235044542

The Voting Facility for our community is located at:
2915 Westminster Ave
Norfolk VA 23504-4531

Norfolk Electoral Board Contact Information:
Mailing Address: 810 UNION ST., ROOM 808
Phone: 757-664-4353

Next, On July 1, 2010 the Virginia General Assembly will
This is important information for everyone. Please pass along.

Driving as little as 15 MPH over the limit on an interstate highway now brings six license demerit points, a fine of up to $2500, up to one year
in jail, and a new mandatory $1050 tax. The law also imposes an additional annual fee of up to $100 if a prior conviction leaves the motorist with a balance of eight demerit points, plus $75 for each additional point (up to $700 a year). The conviction in this example remains on the record for five years.

Other six-point convictions include "failing to give a proper signal,
"passing a school bus" or "driving with an obstructed view." The same
$1050 assessment applies, but the conviction remains on the record for eleven years.

The law forbids judges from reducing or suspending it in any way. The tax applies only to Virginia residents, so that out-of-state motorists only need to pay the regular ticket amount.

Get more info at these links:

It is good to see a crack down on speeding, but I am left
scratching my head and wondering, why weren't drunk drivers,
and talking and texting on cellphones included in this bill?

Lastly, HAS A CURE FOR CANCER been found?

In a report dated 21 Apr 2010, Scottish scientists have made cancer tumours
vanish within 10 days by sending DNA to seek and destroy the cells.

The system, developed at Strathclyde and Glasgow universities, is being hailed as a breakthrough because it appears to eradicate tumours without causing harmful side-effects. A leading medical journal has described the results so far as remarkable, while Cancer Research UK said they were encouraging.

Dr Christine Dufes, a lecturer at the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and leader of the research, said: “The tumours were completely gone within 10 days. It is fantastic. When you talk about 10 days that is the time frame for curing a cold. Imagine if within 10 days you could completely make a tumour disappear. Read more

This sounds quite promising, but don't get your hopes up. Remember, the big
drug companies and politicians have to get their cut of the profits.
So, after all is said and done, if this is a cure, it will be years before
this reaches the market, and when it does it will be cost prohibitive for
those who need it. And those who need it now will be long gone.

I hope you enjoyed this month's offering. Please leave your comments
whether positve or negative or if you have suggestions.
But whatever you do, please

Edward L. West Sr.,
Fellow Resident

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beware of an email titled Mail Server Report

An email containing a serious virus is making the rounds.
The email is titled Mail Server Report. Read about it here: Mail Server Report

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