Sunday, December 19, 2010

Season's Greetings 2010!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Another holiday season is upon us. Stop and reflect upon all
you have to be thankful for. Your health, and the love of family
and friends. Visit with the elderly and infirm and offer to take
them shopping,to a medical appointment, or have them over to your
home to share in the festivities. It would be greatly appreciated.

Here are a few tips to help keep you safe while out and about.


* Even though you are rushing and thinking about a thousand things,
stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you. Try to
shop with a companion. If possible,park your car in an area of high
pedestrian activity. Avoid remote areas.

* Lock your car and close the windows, even if you are only gone for
a few minutes.

* If waiting for a ride from a friend or public transportation, do so in
busy, well-lit places.

* Teach your children to go to the store clerk and ask for help if you
become separated while shopping. They should never go to the parking lot
or the car alone.

* Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Pay for purchases with a check or
credit card when possible; and if the credit card receipt has carbons,
ask for these too. Notify issuers immediately if your credit card is lost,
stolen, or misused.

* Be extra careful with purees and wallets. They may become targets for
crime in crowded shopping areas, at bus stops, and on public transportation.

* Avoid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear
visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.

* At home, be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave the house, even for a few minutes. Leave lights and a radio or television on so the house looks occupied. Do not put large displays of holiday gifts in view of your windows or doors.

* If you go away for the holidays, try to keep your home appearing "lived in":
Get an automatic timer for your lights. Have a neighbor watch your home and
pick-up your newspapers and mail.

* If you use electrical ornaments on your tree, make sure that they are in good working order.

These are just a few tips to help keep you safe. There are many other things you
can do to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

Happy Holidays

Edward L. West

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Civic League Officer Elections

The nomination of officers of the Stonebridge Crossing Civic League will be held during the meeting on September 20th. The election of officers will be on October 18th. All dues should be paid up by that time in order to participate. Meetings are held every third Monday of the month at 6:30 P.M. at Second Calvary Baptist Church 2940 Corprew Ave., Norfolk,Virginia.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

National Night Out Pics & Videos

Stonebridge Crossing held it's National Night Out event on Saturday, August 7, 2010.
It was well attended and there were hotdogs, burgers and soft drinks and games for the kids. Residents had a chance to meet their neighbors and discuss issues affecting our community.

One of SBC's main issues is the impact of the HRT light rail on our commiunity.
Ms. Tamara N. Poulson, HRT's Community Relations Specialist, was on hand to answer our questions. Email her at: or call her office at: 757-222-6072.

Here are some photos and videos from our NNO event.

Ms. Tamara N. Poulson, HRT's Community Relations Specialist

To view the videos, please go to:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

VDOT Alert, Virginia Drought Watch, Norfolk Water Supply, School Immunizations

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has begun
work on the I-264 overpass at Ballentine Blvd. The work includes
cleaning,sandblasting, and painting, and will require alternating
lane closures through September, 2010.

Overnight lane closures on Ballentine Blvd. will occur both north and
south bound seven days a week from 7:00pm-6:00am.
Motorists should expect delays and plan alternate routes.

Motorists can get more information by visiting,
tuning to Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) at 610AM, or calling the Traffic
Information Line at: 757-361-3016.

Virginia has issued a statewide drought watch due to lack
of rain and above average temperatures. A drought watch
is intended to increase awareness of climatic conditions that
are likely to precede a significant drought event and to
facilitate preparation for a drought.

Approximately 86% of the Commonwealth is experiencing
abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions. Most of
Virginia has experienced below normal precipitation in the
last 60 days and some areas have received less than 50%
of the average precipitation. Short term weather forecasts
do not indicate significant rain events that will erase these
Virginia residents are asked to minimize non-essential water
use,and detect and repair all plumbing leaks.

The City of Norfolk Department of Utilities reports that the
City's reservoirs are at 87% of capacity at the present time.
This is slightly less than the 88.5% average for this time of year.
Still, the City urges all residents to use water wisely.

Norfolk Department of Public Health is offering free "Back to School"
immunization clinics
during July and August at these locations:

Little Creek Health Center
207 E. Little Creek Rd.
Mon.- Fri., 8:30am-10:30am and 1:00pm-3:30pm.

Southampton Health Center
830 Southampton Ave.
(intersection of Brambleton & Colley Aves.)
Mon.-Fri., 2:00pm-4:00pm

Norfolk requires all students entering the 6th grade in September
to have their TDAP(Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertusis{whooping cough})
booster shot. Children entering kindergarten are required to have
their Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccination.

Parents are encouraged to get their child's physicals now. Make
your appointment with your private physician, HMO, military health
care provider, or health care clinic.

Act now and avoid the rush. For more information, parents can call
the Norfolk Department of Public Health at: 757-531-2135.

Stay cool during the heat wave. Drink plenty of water and don't
over exert your self. Check on the elderly to make sure they are
staying cool.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

HRT, Cooling Assistance, 4th of July, Coupons,Gov. Grants, Gulf disaster

Happy heatwave everyone. I hope you're all coping well.
I have a lot to share this time out. So here goes.

Congrats to Norfolk City Councilman Paul Riddick
on being selected as the new HRT chairman.
He will serve for one year.

HRT will begin test runs of the light rail trains soon.
The tests will run from Ballentine Blvd. to Newtown Rd.
Expect to see a train at any time on any track, and
traveling in any direction.

During the testing, each time a train approaches an
intersection, the train operator will sound a warning and
flaggers will direct trains through the intersection.

There have not been commuter trains on Norfolk streets
since the 1940's, so we must be very alert when the trains
start running. In the coming months HRT will be conducting
safety and security drills in conjunction with the fire, police,
and emergency responders.

Needless to say, it has been HOT HOT HOT!
Norfolk has a Cooling Assistance program available to
assist eligible households containing at least one person
age 60 or older, under age 6, or disabled with the costs of
cooling their homes.

Assistance can be in the form of purchase or replacement
and installation of air conditioners, the purchase of a fan,
the repair of central air units or heat pumps, payment of
electric utility security deposits, or payment of an electric bill
for operating cooling equipment.

If you, or someone you know can use this service,go here:
and take the short prescreening survey.

Here is the 4th of July info for the City of Norfolk:

Sunday, July 4th
5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Fireworks: 9:30 P.M.
Town Point Park
Leave the grilling to us and build your own picnic dinner with
family and friends from 5-10 pm in Town Point Park!

Dine on traditional hot dogs, hamburgers, barbecue, seafood,
buttered corn on the cob, juicy watermelon, lemonade...
with all the fixin's and much more!

While waiting for the fireworks show, relax on the lawn and
enjoy patriotic sounds by The Fleet Jazz Ensemble at 6 pm,
followed by a performance by The Fleet Forces Wind Ensemble
at 8 pm.

If you like free samples or coupons try these two websites: has coupons and free samples of popular products. has coupons too but you have to download
their coupon printer. I print their coupons often, then forget
to take them with me when I go shopping. Go figure.

Want money to start a business or other venture? Here are
links to sites that offer info on available government grants
and low interest loans:
and .
You don't have to register if you just want to browse what's available,
but if you want to apply, you do. It's all free.

Finally, I believe we should take the Gulf Oil Spill disaster very
seriously. Though we live over a thousand miles away, we
can be seriously affected in months to come as the oil makes
it's way toward the east coast via the Gulf Stream.

Click and read the article "A Nuclear Option in the Gulf Oil Leak?" .
It's a lengthy piece, but very informative with lots of photos
and videos. There is a lot the media hasn't focused on.
Buy your seafood in bulk now and freeze it.

Until next time, stay cool and take care.

Edward L. West

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Local elections on May 4, New Va Speeding Fines, A Cure For Cancer?

Greetings fellow SBC residents,

This blog post has several articles that I believe
you will find very informative. FIRST and foremost:

Virginia local elections will be held on May 4, 2010.
On that day, voters will have a say in who becomes
the next city and town council members, school
board members or mayor where they live.

The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot by mail is April 27.
The in-person absentee ballot deadline is May 1.

The four candidates on the ballot for Mayor of Norfolk are:

Incumbent Mayor Paul Fraim who has been in city government for 24 years.
Councilwoman Daun Hester who has been on council for 14 years.
Retiree Dan Montague who has lived in Norfolk for 24 years.
Old Dominion University student Ryan Cooper .

Candidates for City Council Member, District : Ward 4 are:

Incumbent :
Paul R. Riddick
765 Washington Ave
Norfolk VA 235042442

G. W. ''Billy'' Cook, Jr.
2720 Marlboro Ave
Norfolk VA 235044542

The Voting Facility for our community is located at:
2915 Westminster Ave
Norfolk VA 23504-4531

Norfolk Electoral Board Contact Information:
Mailing Address: 810 UNION ST., ROOM 808
Phone: 757-664-4353

Next, On July 1, 2010 the Virginia General Assembly will
This is important information for everyone. Please pass along.

Driving as little as 15 MPH over the limit on an interstate highway now brings six license demerit points, a fine of up to $2500, up to one year
in jail, and a new mandatory $1050 tax. The law also imposes an additional annual fee of up to $100 if a prior conviction leaves the motorist with a balance of eight demerit points, plus $75 for each additional point (up to $700 a year). The conviction in this example remains on the record for five years.

Other six-point convictions include "failing to give a proper signal,
"passing a school bus" or "driving with an obstructed view." The same
$1050 assessment applies, but the conviction remains on the record for eleven years.

The law forbids judges from reducing or suspending it in any way. The tax applies only to Virginia residents, so that out-of-state motorists only need to pay the regular ticket amount.

Get more info at these links:

It is good to see a crack down on speeding, but I am left
scratching my head and wondering, why weren't drunk drivers,
and talking and texting on cellphones included in this bill?

Lastly, HAS A CURE FOR CANCER been found?

In a report dated 21 Apr 2010, Scottish scientists have made cancer tumours
vanish within 10 days by sending DNA to seek and destroy the cells.

The system, developed at Strathclyde and Glasgow universities, is being hailed as a breakthrough because it appears to eradicate tumours without causing harmful side-effects. A leading medical journal has described the results so far as remarkable, while Cancer Research UK said they were encouraging.

Dr Christine Dufes, a lecturer at the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and leader of the research, said: “The tumours were completely gone within 10 days. It is fantastic. When you talk about 10 days that is the time frame for curing a cold. Imagine if within 10 days you could completely make a tumour disappear. Read more

This sounds quite promising, but don't get your hopes up. Remember, the big
drug companies and politicians have to get their cut of the profits.
So, after all is said and done, if this is a cure, it will be years before
this reaches the market, and when it does it will be cost prohibitive for
those who need it. And those who need it now will be long gone.

I hope you enjoyed this month's offering. Please leave your comments
whether positve or negative or if you have suggestions.
But whatever you do, please

Edward L. West Sr.,
Fellow Resident

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beware of an email titled Mail Server Report

An email containing a serious virus is making the rounds.
The email is titled Mail Server Report. Read about it here: Mail Server Report

Posted using ShareThis

Monday, March 22, 2010

2 City Surveys, HHW & e-Waste disposal,SPSA

Greetings Stonebridge Crossing residents,

A BIG THANK YOU to those residents who participated in the
Lake Liberty Clean Up on March 13th 2010. Your efforts made
a big difference and are greatly appreciated. For more info
and photos go to:

The City of Norfolk has two(2)online surveys for it's citizens.
First is the Waterside Marketplace revitalization input. Your input will help determine it's redesign and refocus. The survey consists of only 19 questions.

Second is the Colonel Samuel L. Slover Main Library Survey. This survey will help the city plan for Norfolk's new main library. Your input on the collections of materials, services, and building options will be asked.

Another item of interest is The FY2011 Budget Public Hearing which
will be held Wednesday May 5th, 2010 at Granby High School,
7101 Granby St. at 6:00 pm.

On January 2nd 2010, Norfolk opened the region's first municipal
operated Household Hazardous Waste(HHW) and e-Waste Facility.
This facility is located adjacent to the Waste Management offices
at 1176 Pineridge Rd. in Industrial Park. Open Mon-Sat, 10am-2pm.
Below is a list of those items that can be disposed of.

HHW: Household Hazardous Waste:
Paint & paint-related liquids, automotive fluids, fuels & oils, propane tanks & cylinders, mercury-containing thermostats & thermometers, soaps, detergents, cleaners, liquid & solid pesticides, pool chemicals, compact fluorescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes (4ft. only), household, automotive & rechargeable batteries.

Personal computers and workstations
Mainframes and servers
Laptop computers
Monitors and Televisions
Keyboards, printers, copiers and computer peripherals
Consumer electronics and household appliances including microwaves (NO SMOKE DETECTORS OR REFRIGERATORS)
Circuit boards, Internal Circuits
Telephone equipment
Fax machines
Power supplies
Switches, circuit breakers, voltage regulators and other electrical equipment
Connectors, cables and wiring
Communications and networking equipment
Cell phones
Audio and visual equipment including cameras, camcorders, stereo equipment, DVD players and VCRs
DVDs, cassette tapes and VCR tapes (with cases)
Holiday strings of lights (must be separate from other items)

This service is free for Norfolk residents ONLY. Proof of residency
is required.

When residents take the above materials to the HHW facility at
the Southeastern Public Service Authority(SPSA), the City is
charged $35.00 per visit. Not only will the City's HHW facility
result in a huge saving, but it could help prevent illegal dumping.

Speaking of SPSA, effective March 31st,2010 the City of Norfolk
will no longer contract SPSA for recycling collection. The City
is currently seeking bids for this service.

I hope you found this information useful. If you wish to add
additional info or comments, simply click the comments link
at the end of each post and leave your thoughts.

Wishing you well, and take care til next time.

Edward L West Sr.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Moment In Black History -

The Date Was June 1, 1921, "BLACK WALLSTREET",
the name fittingly given to one of the most affluent All-
BLACK Communities in America, was bombed from the air
and Burned to the ground by mobs of envious Whites.

In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving
Black Business District in northern Tulsa lay smoldering --
a model Community destroyed and a major Black-American economic
movement resoundingly defused.

The Night's Carnage left some 3,000 Black Americans
Dead and over 600 Successful Businesses Lost. Among
these were 21 Churches, 21 Restaurants, 30 Grocery
Stores and 2 Movie Theaters, plus A Hospital, A Bank, a
Post Office, Libraries, Schools, Law Offices, a half dozen
Private Airplanes and even A Bus System.

As could have been expected, the impetus behind it all
was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with
Ranking City Officials and many other Sympathizers.

The best description of BLACK WALLSTREET, or Little
Africa as it was also known, would be to compare it to a
mini - Beverly Hills.

It was the golden door of the BLACK Community during
the early 1900s, and it proved that Black Americans
could create a successful infrastructure.
That's What BLACK WALLSTREET, Was All About.

The Dollar circulated 36 to 100 Times, sometimes taking
a year for currency to leave the Community.
Now a Dollar leaves the BLACK Community in 15-minutes.

As Far As Resources, there were Ph.D.'s residing in
Little Africa, BLACK Attorneys and Doctors. One Doctor
was Dr. Berry who owned the Bus System. His average
income was $500 a Day, a hefty pocket change in 1910.

It was a time when the entire State of Oklahoma had only
2 Airports, yet 6 BLACKS, Owned their own Planes. It
was a very Fascinating Community. The mainstay of the
Community was to educate every child. Nepotism was the
one word they believed in. And that's what we need to get
back to.

The main thoroughfare was Greenwood Avenue,
and it was intersected by Archer and Pine Streets.
From the First Letters in each of those Three Names you
get G.A.P. and that's where the renowned R and B Music
Group The GAP Band got its name. They're From Tulsa.

BLACK WALLSTREETwas a prime example of the typical
BLACK Community in America that did businesses, but it
was in an unusual location.

You See, At The Time, Oklahoma was set aside to be a
BLACK and Indian State. There were over 28 BLACK Townships there.

One third of the People who traveled in the terrifying "Trail of Tears"
along side the Indians between 1830 and 1842 were BLACK People.

The Citizens of this proposed Indian and BLACK State
Chose A BLACK Governor, a Treasurer from Kansas
named McDade. But the Ku Klux Klan said that if he
assumed Office that they would Kill Him within 48 hours.

A lot of BLACKS owned Farmland, and many of them had
gone into the Oil Business. The Community was so tight
and wealthy because they traded Dollars hand-to-hand,
and because they were dependent upon one another as a
result of the Jim Crow Laws.

It was not unusual that if a Resident's Home accidentally
Burned down, it could be rebuilt within a few weeks by
Neighbors. This was the type of scenario that was going
on Day-to-Day on BLACK WALLSTREET.

When BLACKs intermarried into the Indian Culture, some
of them received their promised '40 Acres and A Mule' and
with that came whatever oil was later found on the properties.

On BLACK WALLSTREET, a lot of global business was conducted,
The community flourished from the early 1900s until June 1, 1921.
That's when the largest massacre of non-military Americans in the
history of this country took place, and it was lead by The KU KLUX KLAN.

Imagine walking out of your front door and seeing 1,500
homes being burned. It must have been amazing.

Survivors we interviewed think that the whole thing was
planned because during the time that all of this was going
on; White Families with their children stood around the
borders of their community and watched The Massacre,the looting
and everything -- much in the same manner they would watch a lynching.

The riots weren't caused by anything Black or White.
It was caused by jealousy. A lot of White Folks had come back
from World War I and were poor.

When they looked over into The BLACK Communities
and realized that BLACK Men who fought in The war
had come home heroes, that helped trigger the destruction.

It cost the BLACK Community everything, and not a single
dime of restitution--no insurance claims--has been
awarded the victims to this day. Nonetheless, they rebuilt.

We estimate 1,5 00 to 3,000 People were Killed and we
know that a lot of them were Buried in Mass Graves all
around the City. Some were thrown into the river.

As a matter of fact, at 21st Street and Yale Avenue, where
there now stands a Sears parking Lot, that corner used
to be a Coal Mine. They threw a lot of the Bodies into the

Unmarked Graves

TULSA, Oklahoma (CNN)

Beulah Smith and Kenny Booker, two elderly Oklahomans,
lived through one of the worst race riots in U.S. History,
a rarely mentioned 1921 Tulsa Blood Bath that officially
took thousands of Black-American lives.

The Tulsa Race Riot Commission, formed two years
ago to determine exactly what happened, will consider
next week the Controversial Issue of what, if any,
reparations should be paid to the known survivors
of the Riot, a Group of less than 100 that includes
Beulah Smith, now 92, and Kenny Booker, 86.

'The Gun Went Off, The Riot Was On'

On the night of May 31,1921, mobs called for the lynching
of Dick Rowland, a Black Man who shined shoes, after hearing
reports that on the previous day he had assaulted Sarah Page,
A white woman, in the elevator she operated in a downtown building.

A Local Newspaper, had printed a fabricated Story that Rowland
tried to rape Page. In an editorial,the same newspaper said a
hanging was planned for that night.

As Groups of both Blacks and Whites converged on the Tulsa Courthouse,
a White Man in the crowd confronted an armed Black Man, A War Veteran,
who had joined with other Blacks to protect Rowland.

A fabricated newspaper story triggered The violent
riots that left hundreds, if not thousands, dead.

Comm. Member Eddie Faye Gates told CNN what happened
next. "This White Man," she said, Asked The Black Man,
"What Are You Doing With This Gun?"

"I'm going to use it if I have to," the Black Man said, according to Gates,
"and(the White Man) said, 'No, you're not. Give it to me,' and he
tried to take it. The gun went off, the White Man was dead, The riot was on."

Truckloads of Whites Set Fires and Shot Blacks on sight.

When the smoke lifted the Next Day, more than 1,400
Homes and Businesses in Tulsa 's Greenwood District, a
prosperous area known as the "Black Wall Street," lay
in ruins.

Today, only a single block of the Original Buildings
remains standing in the area. Experts now estimate
that at least 3,000, Died.

'We're in a heck of a lot of trouble'

Beulah Smith was 14 yrs. old the Night of the Riot.
A neighbor named Frenchie came pounding on her family's
door in a Tulsa neighborhood known as "Little Africa" that
also went up in flames.

"Get your families out of here because they're, Killing
Niggers uptown," she remembers Frenchie saying. "

We hid in the weeds in the hog pen," Smith told CNN.
People in a Mob that came to Kenny Booker's house
asked, "Nigger, Do You Have A Gun?" he told CNN.

Booker, then a teen-ager, hid with his family in their attic
until the home was torched. "When we got downstairs,
things were burning. My sister asked me, 'Kenny, is the
world on fire?' I said, 'I don't know, but we're in a heck
of a lot of trouble, baby."

Another riot survivor, Ruth Avery, who was 7 at the time,
gives an account matched by others who told of bombs dropped
from small airplanes passing overhead.

The Explosive Devices may have been Dynamite or Molotov Cocktails --
gasoline-filled bottles set afire and thrown as grenades.

"They'd throw it down and when it'd hit, it would burst into
flames," Avery said.

Only A single block remains of the 1,400 Homes and
Businesses that made up the area known as the 'Black
Wall Street'.

Unmarked Graves

Many of the survivors "mentioned bodies were stacked like cord wood,
says Richard Warner of the Tulsa Historical Society.

In its search for the facts,The Commission has literally
been trying to dig up the truth. Two Headstones at Tulsa's
Oaklawn Cemetery indicate that riot victims are buried there.

In an effort to determine how many, archeological experts
in May used ground-piercing radar and other equipment
to test the soil in a search for Unmarked Graves.

The test picked up indications that hundreds, of people
have been buried in an area just outside the cemetery.

Many thanks to our forefathers 88 years ago.

Something To Motivate Us All. Please Share.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Interesting History Trivia

The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the
water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used
to be. Here are some facts about the 1500s:

Where did the term "Piss Poor" come from???

They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee
in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery. If
you had to do this to survive you were "Piss Poor"
But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford
to buy a pot......they "didn't have a pot to piss in" & were the lowest
of the low....

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in
May, and they still smelled pretty good by June.. However, since they
were starting to smell .. .. . brides carried a bouquet of flowers to
hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when
getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the
house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons
and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the
babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone
in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!"

Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood
underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the
cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it
rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall
off the roof.. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This
posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings
could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a
sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy
came into existence.

Back then the floor was dirt.Only the wealthy had something other than dirt.
Hence the saying, "Dirt poor."

The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when
wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing.
As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when they opened the
door, it would all start spilling outside. A piece of wood was placed in the
entrance-way. Hence: a "thresh hold".

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that
always hung over the fire.. Every day they lit the fire and added things
to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They
would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold
overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in
it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the nursery rhyme: "Peas
porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old"

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special.
When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It
was a sign of wealth that a man could, "bring home the bacon".They
would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and
"chew the fat".

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content
caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning
death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years
or so,tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of
the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the
"upper crust".

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would
sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking
along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial.

They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family
would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would
wake up. Hence the custom of "holding a wake".

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of
places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the
bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these
coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the
inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they
would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the
coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would
have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift) to
listen for the bell; thus,someone could be "saved by the bell", or was
considered a "dead ringer" .

And that's the truth.....Now, whoever said History was boring ! ! !
Feel free to pass this along.

Monday, January 4, 2010

10 Things You Didn’t Know Google Knows About You

So What Exactly Does Google Know about YOU?
1. Have you ever had an embarrassing health problem that you preferred was not recorded on your medical history? Instead of going to visit your doctor you decided to google your symptoms and maybe even buy some medication online?

Perhaps this happened years ago and you had forgotten all about it?

Google hasn’t.

2. Google Docs allows users to create and save documents in a variety of formats, to share or save to your computer. If you create a document that you later delete because it might contain sensitive information – beware.

Google has a back up.

3. Did you ever use Gmail to write a drunken email to your ex? Something you have tried to forget?

Google remembers – that one and all the other private emails you have sent are safely stored in Google’s databases.

Maybe you don’t have a Gmail account? Well that’s OK; Google still has copies of your private messages because your friends and business partners use Gmail.

4. Google knows what you family and friends look like, where you went on your holidays and if you have skinny legs and look like a dork on the beach. If you use Picasa, Google probably even knows how many pets you have.

5. If you have a thing for watching teenagers messing around playing air guitars in their bedrooms, don’t think it is your little secret.

Google knows and records your searches and preferences and which videos you have watched on YouTube and Google Video.

6. If you have ever used Google Earth, one of the first places you would have looked at will naturally be your own home.

Now Google has a picture of where you live, not that they didn’t know anyway – if you use Google Adsense, Adwords, or Google Checkout they have all your financial details which include your address.

7. Have you or somebody living in your house, ever done a search on how to grow your own marijuana? Have you ever been worried about an alcohol or other addiction within your family? Do you search online for solutions to your rising debt or marriage problems?

It’s all there – just between you and Google.

8. Do you use Google Desktop?

A very handy application that will organize all the files on your PC, also gives Google access to them.

9. Google Reader is an aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline, which is a very practical tool for keeping up to date with your favorite bloggers.

It also lets Google know which blogs you follow regularly, therefore revealing even more of your personal interests and passions, not that they didn’t have enough information on you already!

10. Did you have a terrible time a few months ago when you found out your partner was having an affair and decide to chuck all of their belongings out on the street in a mindless rage?

Oh there they are! A nice constant reminder on Google Street Maps. Hopefully that Google Street Car will be along soon and update the picture of your house.

Should You Really Care?

Most of us probably don’t have much too much to hide… and luckily for those who do, there are enough privacy laws in place for the most part to keep it stored safely on Google’s servers.

Personally I don’t care that Google knows how big my house is or that I sleep in the buff – if it remains private between me an Google. And that’s a big IF. Who knows when your friendly neighborhood hacker or disgruntled Google employee could know more about you… then you?

What do you think? Does Google know too much about you?