Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nor'easter Slideshow

Hello Stonebridge Residents,

I hope everyone got through the storm with little or no damage.
If you have photos or video of the storm in our community,please
email them to for posting on the blog.

Fellow resident John Douglas Stratton says:

To all of my Stonebridge neighbors: Please take photos of the flooding that is affecting our development. Document with pictures how your yards become flooded after heavy rainfall. Drainage in Stonebridge is becoming a serious concern of mine and many others.

I believe that we need to get the city to send someone o...ut to assess the problem and have it resolved. This, at least for my neighbors closest to me (I'm at 937 Limestone Arch) was a problem before the severe flooding we have seen recently.

There are some that believe that if left unchecked, this problem may develop into a major headache for us all. We pay entirely too much for these homes and are taxed far to much to allow that to happen. Please make this an item for discussion for the next Civic league meeting.

Here is a slideshow of how the nor'easter has affected communities
throughout Tidewater.