Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blog Changes and Additions

SBC Blog Changes

Greetings All,

I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant holiday.

I have made some changes to our blog in order to make it more useful
and entertaining.

First you will notice Google Ads which feature local businesses that
may be of use to us should we need their services.

There is also a Google Search Box at the top of the page for your convienience.

I have added two "gadgets" which I believe will prove to be very useful.

First is "Got Free Cards". Here you can create brief animated free eCards
for almost any occassion or holiday, and send them by email to whomever
you wish. You can even upload photos and sound from your computer to add
to the cards you make. Click on the picture in the box to get started.
this site will open in a new window.

Then, there is "Watch Shows Online" this gadget gives you access to
the webpage of six popular news orgs. ABC, FOX, CWTV, NBC, CBS, and,
Comey Central which is good for catching that Chocolate News broadcast
you may have missed. Sometimes the channel icons in this gadget may not
load right away so just rest your cursor on the empty space and look to the
bottom left of your browser window to see where the link will take you.

When you click the Google Ads you will be taken away from our blog.
So remember to click your browser's back button to return. Also other sites
you go to will have Google Search boxes and ads.
Come back to our site and use the search and ads there.

There are thousands of gadgets available on the internet and I will be
changing ours around for variety unless your feedback dictates otherwise.

You can also email me at sbccivicleague@gmail.com with suggestions.
If you dont have the name of a specific gadget, just tell me the topic
you are interested in and I will find something for you.

I am also planning a Stonebridge Crossing toolbar that you can install on
your computer. This will allow you to access our blog and many gadgets
and features quickly, for free, no matter which site you may be on.
It will be virus free and secure.The toolbar may not be available until
next year.


Edward L. west